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How to Remove a Tree from Your Yard.

By Lance Goldsmith, Owner

July 20, 2023

Stump grinding

Removing a tree from your yard can be a complex task that requires careful planning and execution to ensure safety and avoid damage to property.

Here are some general steps to follow:

  1. Assess the tree and the surrounding area: Before you start, check the tree for any hazards, such as a weak or damaged trunk, or dead branches that could fall during removal. Also, look at the surrounding area to identify any obstacles that may get in the way, such as utility lines, buildings, or other trees.
  2. Determine the direction of the fall: Decide which way you want the tree to fall and make sure there is enough space for it to fall without hitting anything.
  3. Clear the area: Remove any obstacles or debris from the area, and make sure there is enough space for you to work safely.
  4. Cut the branches: Begin by cutting the branches off the tree from the bottom up, leaving a small stump. This will allow you to easily remove the trunk of the tree.
  5. Cut the trunk: Use a chainsaw to cut the trunk of the tree into manageable sections. Start at the top of the tree and work your way down.
  6. Remove the stump: After you have removed the trunk, you will need to remove the stump. You can use a stump grinder or hire a professional tree removal service to do this.
  7. Clean up: Finally, remove all the debris and clean up the area. Dispose of the tree parts properly.
IMPORTANT: Removing a tree can be dangerous, and it's best to hire a professional tree removal service if you're not experienced or confident in doing it yourself.

When you need professional help, Phoenix Tree Removal has the experience and equipment to manage even the most difficult tree projects, from tree and stump removal, to storm cleanup, and lot clearing. Give us a call today. (480) 232-0633.